ML/DL Engineer | Django Developer | NextJs Developer
💡 Passionate Software Engineer | 🧠 AI Engineer | 🌍 Opensource Contributor | 🌐 Research Enthusiast in Computer Vision & Generative AI.
🌱 Always excited to collaborate on projects involving AI, healthcare, and innovative technologies.
Featured Projects
Some projects that I'm proud of.
Covidologist : A Disease Detection Web App to assist radiologists to detect the presence of COVID-19.
The main purpose of this project is to automate the process of COVID-19 diagnosis and help radiologists, doctors and patients in their process by saving their precious time. So, by using a trained model on COVID chest-X-ray images, It assists medical staff and radiologists to detect the presence/sign of COVID in the chest-x-ray images reducing the workloads and speeding up the diagnosis.

How to Build and Deploy an Image Recognition App using FastAPI and PyTorch ?
Learn how to create an image recognition application based on the FastAPI framework and PyTorch which uses pretrained DenseNet 121 model to detect the Image.

How to OCR with Tesseract, OpenCV, FastAPI , and Python
This is an OCR project which is used to extract text from images using Tesseract.

Most Viewed Videos
Videos on what I'm building and learning.
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