Deep LearningPyTorchFastAPI
How to Build and Deploy an Image Recognition App using FastAPI and PyTorch ?
This is an image recognition application based on the FastAPI framework and PyTorch which uses pretrained DenseNet 121 model to detect the Image.
Run my Project
git clone
cd Image-Recognition-App-using-FastAPI-and-PyTorch
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --reload
Image Recognition App using FastAPI and PyTorch: TODO
[x] Create a virtual environment
[x] Create FastAPI App
- Install fast API
- Install Uvicorn
- Install Pytest
- Install Jinja2
- Install python-multipart
- Install requests
- Create a main file with some routes
- Create a main test file to test the home page route
[x] Pytorch Setup
- Install torch & torchvision (use cpu version for small size)
[x] Prediction
- Create a predict post route
- Create a file
- Test predict route
- Create some helper function
- Put some test images inside static folder
- Create a test to upload an image in predict route
- Predict
[x] Create a home page for prediction
- Create an index.html file inside the templates directory
- Setup template and static directory in the main app
- Initial HTML for home page
- Use Tailwind CSS cdn link for css
- Google Fonts
- Create a form to predict
- update homepage route for prediction
- Update UI of the page
- Add Some javascript to autoload the image
- Add logo and favicon
- Add meta tags
- Add response image for preview as base64 data
â—† PyTorch: â—† FastAPI: